July 14, 2003pixies reunion?from the "i'll believe it when i see it" dept... Frank Black Says Pixies Considering Reunion though Francis suffers from none-too-surprising doubts: "I do dream about the Pixies reunion... It's like those schoolboy dreams when you don't do your homework and you don't study for the test, but I'm at the gig and we're hanging out, but it's an utter failure and I don't know the songs, and hardly anyone turns up for the gig and people walk out. That's what I'm afraid of, that it'd be a big, big failure." if these doubts are conquered, this could be better than an eighteen minute orgasm. but if it does happen, then i say to you Messr. Black et al, with nothing but the sincerest love and respect, please please please do not mess this up. Posted by jheer at July 14, 2003 02:19 PMComments
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