prefuse: a software framework for interactive information visualization
Jeffrey Heer
in Masters of Science, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley (2004)
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journal articles
Does Binding of Synesthetic Color to the Evoking Grapheme Require Attention?
Noam Sagiv, Jeffrey Heer, Lynn Robertson
in Cortex (2005)
PDF (0.4MB) HTML (Overview)
WebQuilt: A Proxy-based Approach to Remote Web Usability Testing
Jason I. Hong, Jeffrey Heer, Sarah Waterson, James A. Landay
in ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 19(3): p. 263-285. (2001)
PDF (2.8M)
refereed conference papers
Design Considerations for Collaborative Visual Analytics
Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala
in Proceedings of IEEE Visual Analytics Science & Technology (VAST) (2007)
PDF (0.7M)
Animated Transitions in Statistical Data Graphics
Jeffrey Heer, George Robertson
in Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis) (2007)
PDF (0.6M)
Scented Widgets: Improving Navigation Cues with Embedded Visualizations
Wesley Willett, Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala
in Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis) (2007)
PDF (0.8M)
Voyagers and Voyeurs: Supporting Asynchronous Collaborative Information Visualization
Jeffrey Heer, Fernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg
in Proceedings of CHI 2007, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2007)
PDF (1.0M), SWF (20.0M)
Momento: Support for Situated Ubicomp Experimentation
Scott Carter, Jen Mankoff, Jeffrey Heer
in Proceedings of CHI 2007, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2007)
PDF (1.6M)
Software Design Patterns for Information Visualization
Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala
in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 12(5) (2006)
PDF (2.0M)
Multi-Scale Banking to 45 Degrees
Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala
in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 12(5) (2006)
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TimeTree: Exploring Time Changing Hierarchies
Stuart K. Card, Bongwon Suh, Bryan Pendleton, Jeffrey Heer, John W. Bodnar
in VAST 2006, IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (2006)
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Profiles as Conversation: Networked Identity Performance on Friendster
danah boyd, Jeffrey Heer
in HICSS-39, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Persistent Conversation Track (2006)
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Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks
Jeffrey Heer, danah boyd
in InfoVis 2005, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (2005)
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WMV (38M)
prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization
Jeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card, James A. Landay
in CHI 2005, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2005)
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DivX AVI (30M)
DOITrees Revisited: Scalable, Space-Constrained Visualization of Hierarchical Data
Jeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card
in AVI 2004, Advanced Visual Interfaces (2004)
PDF (0.3M)
Presiding Over Accidents: System Direction of Human Action
Jeffrey Heer, Nathaniel Good, Ana Ramirez, Marc Davis, and Jennifer Mankoff
in CHI 2004, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2004)
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MPG (20M)
All Together Now: Visualizing Local and Remote Actors of Localized Activity
Scott Lederer, Jeffrey Heer
in Extended Abstracts of CHI 2004, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2004)
PDF (0.1M)
Wideband Displays: Mitigating Multiple Monitor Seams
Jock D. Mackinlay, Jeffrey Heer
in Extended Abstracts of CHI 2004, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2004)
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liquid: Context-Aware Distributed Queries
Jeffrey Heer, Alan Newberger, Christopher Beckmann, Jason I. Hong
in UbiComp 2003, Fifth Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (2003)
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PPT (0.7M)
Efficient User Interest Estimation in Fisheye Views
Jeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card
in Extended Abstracts of CHI 2003, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2003)
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PPT (2.2M)
LumberJack: Intelligent Discovery and Analysis of Web Traffic Composition
Ed H. Chi, Adam Rosien, Jeffrey Heer
in WEBKDD 2002: Web Mining for Usage Patterns and User Profiles (2002)
PDF (0.5M)
What Did They Do? Understanding Clickstreams with the WebQuilt Visualization System
Sarah Waterson, Jason I. Hong, Tim Sohn, Jeffrey Heer, Tara Matthews, James A. Landay
in Proceedings of AVI 2002, Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (2002)
PDF (0.5M)
Separating the Swarm: Categorization Methods for User Access Sessions on the Web
Jeffrey Heer, Ed H. Chi
in Proceedings of CHI 2002, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2002)
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PPT (2.4M)
refereed workshop papers
Socializing Visualization
Jeffrey Heer
in CHI 2006 Social Visualization Workshop (2006)
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the prefuse visualization toolkit
Jeffrey Heer
in InfoVis 2004 Workshop on Information Visualization Software Infrastructures (2004)
PPT (0.3M)
Seeing the Invisible
Jeffrey Heer, Peter Khooshabeh
in Workshop on Invisible & Transparent Interfaces, Advanced Visual Interfaces (2004)
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Capturing and Analyzing the Web Experience
Jeffrey Heer
in CHI 2002 Workshop on Automatic Capture, Representation, and Analysis of User Activity, Position Papers (2002)
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Mining the Structure of User Activity using Cluster Stability
Jeffrey Heer, Ed H. Chi
in Proceedings of the Web Analytics Workshop, SIAM Conference on Data Mining (2002)
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PPT (1.4M)
Identification of Web User Traffic Composition using Multi-Modal Clustering and Information Scent
Jeffrey Heer, Ed H. Chi
in Proceedings of the Web Mining Workshop, SIAM Conference on Data Mining (2001)
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demonstrations and video submissions
prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization
Jeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card, James A. Landay
in User Interface and Software Technology (UIST) Refereed Demonstrations (2004)
DivX AVI (30M)
Active Capture: Automatic Direction for Automatic Movies
Marc Davis, Rita Chu, Jeffrey Heer, Erick Herrarte, Ted Hong, My Huynh, Ana Ramirez, Rachel Strickland
in ACM Multimedia 2003 Video Submissions (2003)
MPG (97M)
Active Capture: Automatic Direction for Automatic Movies
Marc Davis, Jeffrey Heer, Ana Ramirez
in ACM Multimedia 2003 Demonstrations (2003)
PDF (1.4M)
miscellaneous and unpublished papers
Exploring Enron: Visualizing ANLP Results
Jeffrey Heer
in Applied Natural Language Processing. InfoSys 290-2. University of California, Berkeley. (2004)
Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks
Jeffrey Heer
in Information Visualization. InfoSys 247. University of California, Berkeley. (2004)
A Review of Synesthesia
Jeffrey Heer
in Psychology 127. Psychology Department, University of California, Berkeley (2000)
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