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news round up

July 30, 2004

news round up

So I watched Kerry's speech last night, flipping between multiple news channels as I did so, picking up the spin applied by different networks. Sadly, after listening to William Kristol's knee-jerk diminution, all Fox News had to give me was a discussion of the balloons and confetti, and some talk about how the Democrats had finally caught up to the Republicans in terms of convention organization. (update: I was reading the Chronicle and learned that the convention manager's obsession with balloons and confetti may net CNN an FCC fine). God forbid one actually discusses the issues.

So out of curiousity I thought I would run through the major news outlets this morning to see what the top stories are. Predictably, Salon is running an analysis of Kerry's speech, as is the National Review, each from their respective slants (I think I prefer the "honesty" inherent in openly biased reporting). CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS are all running stories on the Kerry campaign with prominent links to convention highlights. Most are also running prominent stories on Bush's new campaigning efforts in light of the Democratic convention. Fox News, on the other hand, has a giant picture of Bush, and transcripts of a Bush speech, convention links then relatively buried under "related news". So the day after the Republican convention I guess we should all expect a giant picture of Kerry on the campaign trail, no?

And while we work ourselves up over here, across the pond the BBC news headline is about the UN response to the humanitarian tragedy in Darfur, Sudan. The US presidential campaigns get second listing.

Posted by jheer at July 30, 2004 11:01 AM

thanks for a sober reminder of how unhinged the diplomasphere is. if only a universal set of values were possible and were encodable into the minds of our leaders and our press, like the 3 laws of robotics, so we could trust logic instead of having faith in power. or would the result be as despicable as what we have to work with now. as always, it's monkey vs. robot; who knows which carries greater penchant for justice?

Posted by: scott at July 30, 2004 11:53 AM
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