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bad job portland po', good job nokia

December 03, 2003

bad job portland po', good job nokia

Police in Portland, OR are doing some disgusting things and getting caught on camera phones. (via collision detection).

In most respects it's a beautiful city... saddening that this kind of crap is still being played out.

Posted by jheer at December 3, 2003 01:56 AM

Some people were trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Where would you put a stinking toy filled with piss and barf? Anyone who would think this act had any meaning,such as a racial slur, is breeding a scab on his nose or is wearing his heart on his sleeve. The Portland police have suffered too much abuse from a biased press, bleeding hearts, and a liberal mayor.
I'm only a month behind Jeff,and it's hard to keep up with you. CHEERS

Posted by: Grampa at January 5, 2004 08:56 PM
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