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jason hong guest blogs

October 14, 2003

jason hong guest blogs

So Jeff and I are here in sunny Seattle blogging away at Ubicomp 2003. Talks are pretty cool, looking at various networking, systems, and interaction aspects of ubiquitous computing, systems that combine wireless networking, sensors, and devices of all form factors.

So since this is a guest blog, I won't go too much into detail about the geeky technical details, but one thing I think is really great about this conference is that it's trying to figure out not just what we could build, but what we should build.

The question, "What kind of world do we want to live in?" is more important than ever, because with these emerging technologies, we really can start molding the world according to our desires. How will these technologies affect social communities? Democracies? Education? Families? Children? Quality of life? The environment? Politics? Social justice? Art? How can we use these technologies to tackle the hard problems that face humanity?

Ok, so Jeff says I have a treatise going here, so I'll stop while I'm ahead. I'll end with one of my favorite quotes: "we may disagree about our past, but we're going to have to agree about our future together".

P.S. Jeff, your talk was awesome. I think I saw a few women swooning.

Posted by jheer at October 14, 2003 02:46 PM
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