paper: rapid ethnography
Rapid Ethnography: Time-Deepening Strategies for HCI Field
David R. Millen
Proceedings of DIS'00
HCI has come to highly regard ethnographic research as a
useful and powerful methodology for understanding the needs and work practices of a user population. However, full ethnographies are also notoriously time and resource heavy, making it hard to fit into a deadline-driven development cycle. This paper presents techniques for rapid, targeted ethnographic work, in
the hopes of accruing much of the benefit of field work while still fitting
within acceptable time bounds.
The paper organizes its suggestions around three core
- Narrow the field of focus before entering the field
- GOAL: Zoom in on important activities
- Move from 'wide-angle lens' metaphor to 'telephoto lens'
- Identify an informant to use as a field guide
- People with broad access
- Can discuss interesting behaviors and social tensions up
- Find liminal informants
- Fringe members of groups
- Usually have free movement about group
- Not so engrained that work patterns and relationships
have become taken for granted
- Find corporate informants
- Employees of the organization in question
- Colleagues, field staff such as service reps
- Use fringe sampling methods to identify potential
informants of interest
- Plan at onset to develop long-term informant
- Use multiple interactive observation techniques
- GOAL: Increase likelihood of exceptional and useful
- More than one observer onsite.
- Parallelize observations
- Get multiple perspectives
- Careful to avoid changing work environment by additional
- Identify opportunistic times of observation
- Maximize learning rate
- E.g. look at electronic logs to determine times of peak
- More interactive approaches
- Interactive feature conceptualization
- Group Elicitation Method
- Observer-participation
- Understanding through personal experience
- Understand affective issues around field activities
- Use collaborative and computerized iterative data analysis
- GOAL: More efficiently analyze collected data
- Use computer assisted analysis tools
- Text (FolioViews, AskSAM)
- Video, Audio coding and playback software
- Collaborative analysis techniques
- Cognitive (concept) mapping
- Pictorial storytelling
- Scenario analysis
Posted by jheer at September 6, 2003 01:23 PM