it's official...
Arnold's going to run for Governor. Waiting in line to be terminated are Gary "what you talkin' about Willis" Coleman, Larry "the smut peddler who cares" Flynt, Arianna "the recovering Republican" Huffington, Darrell "but I paid for this!" Issa, Georgy "check out my thong" Russell, and that weird weasel guy. I think Conley may be on the right track. Perhaps we can turn this into a reality TV show, and put it on PayPerView. Then, as with any good circus, the rest of the world will have to pay to watch, and this stupid recall might fund itself, rather than coming out of the already empty state treasury.
In any case, hang on, fellow Californians. It's going to be a wild ride.
Posted by jheer at August 6, 2003 09:22 PM