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July 19, 2003


Must we really toy with someone's brain chemistry just to prevent them from calling for that set of Ginsu knives? I have a skeptical take on modern anti-depressants (or more accurately, on the motives of the pharmaceutical companies which produce them), and though I do understand and support their use when people are truly clinically depressed, this particular example seems ridiculous. I'd love to hear Aldous Huxley's take on this.

Drug Maker Looking to Treat Compulsive Shoppers

Posted by jheer at July 19, 2003 05:17 PM

Interestingly, compulsive shopping is a known symptom of depression. I would NEVER go so far as to say that the relationship between depression and compulsive shopping is symmetric, but the idea that anti-depressants are being used to treat compulsive shoppers is interesting nonetheless.

In this court case, a woman actually got off the hook after stealing thousands of dollars from her company (let's set aside the irony of which company this is) because she was depressed.


Posted by: anon at July 24, 2003 04:07 PM
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